테크니컬 아트15 How to Make Default Master Material Level 1 - Basic Material Setupmaterial is hit control space bar and let's drag out our text textures fromany asset you got online you drag them into here and you pipe them into the appropriate slotsso let's do that we got our normal map this gives our material texture right so you can actually see up hereit's looking like rough concrete really nice we have our color map I'm going to take that R.. 2024. 6. 24. [InsideUnreal ] UI Material Lab 3: Q&A TINA WISDOM: It was.This was incredible. I wish I could get all of the love from chatjust into here where you can see it. But everyone is just talking about how amazing of a presentation that was and how much they learned. IRENE ZANON: Yay. TINA WISDOM: So thank you so much for that, especially that demo. I think being able to actually walk through it step-by-stepis incredibly helpful for being .. 2024. 6. 21. [Inside Unreal] UI Material Lab 2 : Demo 시연 Demo 시연하기 ( 움직이는 사각형 버튼 제작하기 ) I have thought about what am I going to show? In the end, I came up with this idea.Maybe I can show you a button, because we have buttons everywhere in UI. And maybe we just want some cool animationand we want to use lots of material lab functions.So this is our button. And as you can see, it's like a box. But it is slanted, and it has these linesthat move from the.. 2024. 6. 21. [Inside Unreal] UI Material Lab 1: 오프닝 및 라이브러리 설명 Materials and ConceptsSo I noticed some stuff while working with materials. First thing, not going to lie, materials are intimidating.They introduce new concepts that we might not necessarily be used to, like the concept of UVs. They rely heavily on math.And many nodes' names are just not self-explanatory.작업을 하면서 몇 가지를 발견했어요. 첫째, 솔직히 말해서, 머티리얼은 정말 어렵습니다.UV 개념처럼 우리가 익숙하지 않을 수 있는 새로운 개념을 소개하죠. 수학에.. 2024. 6. 21. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음